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- Short: Yet Another Map Editor v0.0b, by CAT/RST!
- Author: CAT (Toby Zuijdveld)
- Uploader: blaze@box.net.au (Steven Cooke)
- Type: dev/misc
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- is proud to present:
- Y A M E v 0 . 0 b b y C A T !
- Disclaimer
- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- I am, and will be, in no way accountable for any mishap that may occur from
- the use of this program. Nyah.
- What is it?
- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- Who likes games such as... SWIV? And BoulderDash? And Lemmings?
- Ever wondered how they managed to cram such a HUGELY big level into a 512k
- machine? Look more closely; see the lazy artists used bits of the same
- scenery all over the place?
- I hate to be the one to tell you, but this wasn't just a boring paintjob.
- Maybe it would take up a lot less memory, if the artists drew lots of little
- `bits' of the background, and the programmer `pasted' them all over the place.
- The programmer could use the same bits in differant places, eg a cloud, could
- be placed at the top of the screen, or at the bottom, or on the sides...
- OK everyone knows what I'm talking about right? YAME's a map editor!
- But there's so many!
- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- Why another map editor? Well, cruising around on my local BBS (yes, people
- still do that!), the best I could find was MapEd, which didn't support more
- than 256 blocks! I had a rawdata map I wanted to use, and MapEd wouldn't
- allow that either.
- Features
- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- YAME supports 4 and a half differant types of map layout. Err. Sort of :)
- Up to 1024 blocks!
- Saves previews at 5 differant sizes!
- Intuition interface means - EASY TO USE!
- FREEWARE - may be copied freely as long as the contents of this
- archive remain intact and as whole, no profit must be
- made for the copying of the archive, magazines, Fred
- Fish, AmiNet CDs are free to spread this if they so
- wish. Commercial releases which use this mapeditor,
- well, a thankyou letter/maybe a free game would be
- nice :)
- Usage
- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- YAME can be run from either CLI or Workbench. Tooltypes and CLI arguments are
- not supported, but the builtin Prefs editor is decent enough :)
- The program opens up two windows. One known as the map window, one as the
- block window.
- In the map window, you edit the mapdata. Click the left mouse button to
- change the current block co-ordinate to the block you last selected...
- In the block window. Here you click the left mouse button to select a
- differant block.
- Each window has slider bars which will scroll thru the map/block area,
- allowing you to see the whole thing. Each window is sizeable (only for use
- when I get the ScreenModeRequest working! (see Bugs) )
- Menus
- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- Project
- |-Load
- | |-Map Brings up a requester. Here you select a map file. See
- | | Map Types for more information on the map formats.
- | |-Blocks Here you select an iff file. Any width and height is
- | supported. Each block is cut out to be 16*16 at the
- | moment. You should only try to load 2-->256 colour
- | IFFs for now.
- |-Save map
- | |-YAME Saves out the map as the latest YAME format.
- | |-FREDIT Saves out the map in MapEd format (included in archive)
- | |-AME The program for these two formats is also in the archive, but
- | |-TAME incomplete. I never recieved a complete archive of TAME.
- | |-Raw Saves out in raw format (without a header.) Not recommended.
- | |-Preview Saves out a preview of your size choice.
- |-Preview Shows a preview of the map. Asks for differant sizes:
- | 1 - Full size
- | 2 - Half size
- | 3 - Quarter size
- | 4 - Eighth size
- | 5 - Sixteenth size
- |-Credits Brings up a small requester about the program.
- |-Quit Urr... duh!
- |
- |-Prefs Brings up the preferance window.
- |
- |-New Creates a new map, filled with block 0.
- Prefs
- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- Here you can enter the default x and y sizes (for use with New), the path to
- the MapEd.DAT file (for use with Credits), the screenmode and font requestor
- (which are both currently disabled.)
- Also, the button marked Change save prefs, will ask a few questions relating
- to the output of the YAME map files.
- Save, Use and Cancel are self-explanitory.
- The Prefs will also save out the positions of the block and map windows, for
- your convenience.
- Map Types
- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- See MapEd and TAME for information on the FREDIT, AME and TAME mapformats.
- Please note that the .BLK files used with AME and TAME are not supported by
- YAME (getting confused?:), only IFFs are.
- Preview
- The previews are saved out in IFF format, in the number of colours that are
- currently in use by the program.
- Raw
- These files contain no header, no x and y sizes, just the mapdata. Can be
- stored in bytes (128 blocks supported), words (1024 blocks) and longwords
- (same as words for now.) When loading raw maps, YAME will also ask for an
- offset into the file (to avoid weird headers!)
- These files have a 6 byte header. I had to guess the first 4 bytes, and
- the last two are a mystery to me!
- Offset Description
- 0 Header (word) = $1234
- 2 X size (byte)
- 3 Y size (byte)
- 4-5 ???
- 6 Mapdata (words)
- The attribute data is not supported (skipped). YAME will try and load the
- associating block file(s) straight away if it can find any.
- These files don't have headers. Datas are stored in differant files, which
- is just plain messy. YAME first looks for the .Dat file, reads the x and y
- sizes and palette information (and uses it too!), then looks for the .Map
- file, and reads the data.
- These file have an 8 byte header. Probably my favourite external format,
- it's just so easy and straightforward :)
- Offset Description
- 0 Header (4 bytes) = "MAP "
- 4 X size (word)
- 6 Y size (word)
- 8 Mapdata (bytes)
- There are plenty of examples of the last 4 formats in the Examples/ drawer
- to keep you occupied for a few minutes :)
- Well naturally I had to invent my own standard :) YAME map files are stored
- in IFF format. Chunks may be stored in any order, but must be of the right
- size. All chunks need not exist, but BODY chunks MUST be the last chunk
- in the file. Of course it doesn't make sense to exclude the MAPX and MAPY
- chunks :)
- Offset Size Chunk name Description
- 0 4 Header (4 bytes) = "FORM"
- 4 4 Subheader (4 bytes) = "YAME"
- 4 VERS Version information, only of use to YAME.
- (2 words)
- 108 PATH Pathname for blocks file. (108 bytes)
- 32 GFXN Filename for blocks file. (32 bytes)
- 4 MAPX X size (longword)
- 4 MAPY Y size (longword)
- BODY Mapdata (words) stored in across, downwards
- fashion.
- Bugs (shock, horror!)
- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- BLITZ! A common profanity used of late, along with FU... DGE!
- OK most of these problems are overcomable, I just don't know how :)
- RTEZScreenModeRequest and RTEZFontRequest don't actually seem to fill my
- variables up with new and interesting data, seems to just leave them be
- instead.
- PICreateRequest doesn't fit on a lores screen <grin>
- No error checking for statements like Bitmap and Dim means the program will
- exit of it's own accord every now and then :)
- Things to do
- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- 1) Fix bugs :)
- 2) Introduce INFO chunk to YAME map standard, for creator's comments and the
- like. If anyone can see the point in this, tell me and I'll do it.
- 3) Introduce more map formats, if I can get my hands on any.
- 4) I need layout information on the Blitz 2 mapeditor .gps and .mapstuff
- files. Does anyone know this???
- 5) Introduce the group function, like in Blitz 2 mapeditor. Very handy!
- 6) Whatever YOU suggest!
- 7) Introduce more bugs :)
- Thanks go to
- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- (in no particular order)
- Commodore, Escom and the hundreds of others for going bankrupt :)
- ACID Software for producing the best programming tool ever to walk the Earth.
- Nico François for creating his excellent reqtools.library.
- Neil O'Rourke for creating his excellent ReqTools and Progress BlitzLibs.
- Fabrizio Farenga for MapEd v1.5, for which without YAME would never have been
- born. Maybe :)
- Zaphod for FREDITOR, for which without MapEd would never have been born :)
- Anthony Ball for TAME and his really ugly mapformats (but they were based on
- Atari ST programs, so I don't really blame you:)
- Tiertex for your map editor, which led Anthony to making AME.
- Atari for Gauntlet and Gauntlet 2.
- The Bitmap Brothers for Speedball.
- Ben Campbell and JS Hong for The Caffiene-Free Diet Shoot-Em-Up :)
- Dongleware for Catch Em! (I only used maps on the coverdisk demo!)
- Frank Wille for his Phantasm Map Editor (and the nice example map :)
- Contact me
- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- Send all your comments, suggestions, criticisms, help, mapformats and
- beautiful women to me c/o: hoss@box.net.au (Ian Hoskins).
- That's it! I think.
- ============================= Archive contents =============================
- Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
- -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
- 4008 1437 64.1% 30-Aug-93 17:05:48 +cave.fredit.map
- 10096 6637 34.2% 22-Apr-91 18:49:52 +CAVE.IFF
- 25846 16448 36.3% 22-Apr-91 18:50:58 +GAUNTLED.IFF
- 1164 285 75.5% 04-Sep-95 16:19:56 +gauntlet.fredit.map
- 768 393 48.8% 30-Aug-93 17:05:54 +speedball.fredit.map
- 25058 10403 58.4% 22-Apr-91 18:51:42 +SPEEDBALL.IFF
- 14400 4378 69.5% 27-Sep-95 16:13:36 +120.120.0.rawb.map
- 30344 25064 17.4% 22-Apr-91 18:48:52 +blkimgs.iff
- 2682 1119 58.2% 22-Apr-91 15:24:20 +ChrAME1.iff
- 1926 213 88.9% 08-Sep-92 15:45:46 +MapAME.chr
- 70 70 0.0% 08-Sep-92 15:45:54 +TAME0.dat
- 1920 231 87.9% 08-Sep-92 15:46:02 +TAME0.map
- 524 36 93.1% 22-Apr-91 16:14:56 +big.font
- 1492 876 41.2% 22-Apr-91 17:00:16 +8
- 4392 1044 76.2% 08-Aug-95 15:45:52 +MapEd.info
- 28232 13598 51.8% 05-Sep-95 22:57:50 +MapEd
- 9886 5966 39.6% 22-Apr-91 16:47:26 +MapEd.DAT
- 6994 3011 56.9% 05-Sep-95 22:55:26 +MapEd.GUIDE
- 5128 739 85.5% 08-Aug-95 15:45:52 +MapEd.guide.info
- 896 456 49.1% 05-Sep-95 22:46:48 +Maped.history
- 176 44 75.0% 09-Sep-94 19:22:56 +cursor.spr
- 1564 725 53.6% 09-Sep-94 19:22:56 +mapedit7.fnt
- 3849 1819 52.7% 28-Sep-95 22:50:14 +phn-mapedit.doc
- 543 265 51.1% 28-Sep-95 23:18:06 +phn-mapedit.doc.info
- 1725 953 44.7% 28-Sep-95 23:15:26 +phn-mapedit.info
- 17692 11527 34.8% 28-Sep-95 12:39:04 +phn-mapedit
- 1252 1252 0.0% 08-Sep-92 15:46:02 +Getting_Started.doc
- 1763 525 70.2% 08-Sep-92 15:45:12 +Getting_Started.doc.info
- 27 27 0.0% 08-Sep-92 15:45:08 +Tame
- 7088 7088 0.0% 08-Sep-92 15:46:10 +Tame.doc
- 1763 524 70.2% 08-Sep-92 15:45:06 +Tame.doc.info
- 1135 524 53.8% 08-Sep-92 15:45:18 +Tame.info
- 21920 21275 2.9% 08-Sep-92 15:45:30 +Turbo_Amiga_Map_Editor
- 29808 29808 0.0% 18-Sep-95 21:11:00 +mapedit
- 383 259 32.3% 19-Oct-95 22:20:16 +mapedit.info
- 2657 648 75.6% 08-Aug-95 15:45:52 MapEd.info
- 356 157 55.8% 18-Sep-95 21:11:00 +mapedit.shapes
- 134032 49541 63.0% 22-Apr-91 15:51:58 YAME
- 383 256 33.1% 22-Apr-91 18:36:50 YAME.info
- 10116 4404 56.4% 22-Apr-91 15:49:46 YAMEv00b.readme
- 10780 5254 51.2% 22-Apr-91 15:37:20 +blitz2.logo2
- 8154 4119 49.4% 22-Apr-91 15:57:12 +CaT
- 3584 308 91.4% 23-Sep-93 21:32:20 +Dark.256.14.0.rawb.map
- 3584 553 84.5% 23-Sep-93 21:32:22 +Dark2.256.14.0.rawb.map
- 3584 1241 65.3% 23-Sep-93 21:32:28 +Mountains.256.14.0.rawb.map
- 6404 4428 30.8% 22-Apr-91 16:06:12 +DarkTiles.iff
- 3584 482 86.5% 23-Sep-93 21:32:32 +Tech1.256.14.0.rawb.map
- 3584 465 87.0% 23-Sep-93 21:32:36 +Tech2.256.14.0.rawb.map
- 4912 3046 37.9% 22-Apr-91 15:41:20 +blocks.iff
- 2880 605 78.9% 30-Nov-95 20:16:56 +
- 3802 1095 71.1% 22-Apr-91 16:40:22 +MapBlocks1.IFF
- 8952 6226 30.4% 22-Apr-91 16:09:14 +mountains.iff
- 13498 5003 62.9% 22-Apr-91 16:12:48 +TechTiles.iff
- 918 547 40.4% 28-Jul-92 17:13:32 +take01.40.13.4.rawb.map
- 1530 687 55.0% 28-Jul-92 17:13:32 +take02.40.26.4.rawb.map
- 742 393 47.0% 28-Jul-92 17:13:32 +take03.32.13.4.rawb.map
- 3156 1212 61.5% 28-Jul-92 17:13:32 +take04.60.39.4.rawb.map
- 240 77 67.9% 18-Sep-95 21:11:00 +demo.20.12.0.rawb.map
- 2524 2122 15.9% 22-Apr-91 15:33:24 +8wayscrollerblocks.iff
- 28242 18664 33.9% 22-Apr-91 15:42:44 +bloecke1.iff
- 26924 18925 29.7% 22-Apr-91 15:43:18 +bloecke2.iff
- 24920 14025 43.7% 22-Apr-91 15:43:42 +bloecke3.iff
- 1342 700 47.8% 28-Jul-92 17:13:34 +take05.40.20.4.rawb.map
- 26404 2178 91.7% 24-Oct-96 16:56:22 +8wayscroller.88.150.4.raww.map
- 2232 367 83.5% 22-Apr-91 16:47:48 +Crap.map
- 14314 10874 24.0% 22-Apr-91 16:22:02 +graphics.iff
- -------- ------- ----- --------- --------
- 624848 327621 47.5% 05-Jul-97 06:33:18 66 files